Thick skinned part 2
jadi... ini dia, kayanya gue akan awet pake produk produk ini, knowing they work well for me, and affordable too *penting bangattt iniii lohhh* on skincare. eh maap itu fotonya kok jadi silau gituya. maap yahhh. kiehl's ultra facial cleanser was the first kiehl's product ever for me hahaha, it worked wonderful. my combination skin loves it, not giving me any itches, this left my skin perfectly happy. oh, a little tip after washing, do not rub your face, pat it gently hahaha, pantesannn, dulu dulu kalo abis cuci muka, malahan mukanya suka perih, terus kaku gitu. bahhh. kieh's product are pretty expensive compared to the drugstore items, tapi gue beli dari november, di april masih ada 1/4 lagi. i literally put a pea size of the thing 2-3 times a day, awet nekkk. great stuff! moisturizer is a bit confusing to me at first, karna ngga semua produk for combination skin cocok, hahhh, aku rasanya seperti berjudi, beli produk, coba. kalo cocok alhamdulilah, kal...