Thick skinned part 1

in literal word. hahaha, aliyas kulit teballl,
ngobrol ngobrol muka ah sekali sekali,
ngobrol yang ada juntrungannya gituloh. hihihi.
jadi kulit gue, terutama kulit muka, sebenernya ngga terlalu rewel alias cukup tebal dan bebal.
SOME YEARS AGO. huh! time has obviously betrayed me. huh!
masuk usia kepala 3 pun gue belum merasa perlu paying attention,
to my skincare regime. NOPPP.

in fact, gue baru diperkenalkan sama ritual cuci cuci muka, pas SMA.
and for the record, i kinda blame my ma about this hahaha, 
my ma gave 0.5% contribution for introducing me to health & beauty stuff.
to be honest, supermarket did the favor. karna gue mulai tertarik beli sabun muka,
di supermarket ini. my ma biarin anaknya tumbuh jadi perempuan agak tomboi,
sampe temen temen laki nya pas SMAgemes banget sama komedo di idungnya.
yea... that brutal, sampe anak laki aja ksian ngeliat gua. hahaha.

jaman kuliah, i was also working, and i had to put some make up on,
disitu gue baru rajin cuci muka, pake sabun doang. abis itu udah.
2003, waktu kesambet jin iprit ikutan abang none selatan, baruuu deh nyaho dandan,
pas mulai-mulai kerja, i experimented to find my own style.
ternyata menyenangkan juga loh! i like it a lot!
salahnyaaa... disitu gue gak pay attention to skincare regime, dan ngga ngeh,
kalo kulit sehat itu kanvas yang paling oke buat pake make up. grkkk.
but i was off the hook, karna walaupun pembersihan, pelembapan dll ngga proper,
my skin did ok. not perfect, but OK lah...
selama itu, gue mulai cari cari skin care regime yang cocok, doing research at the mall,
bought the whole series, terus ganti ganti skincare regime like picking up shoes,
and everthing was still OK.

then i went to school pursuing my master's degree. that's when my skin fails me.
*brb nangis dulu*
it started out from a couple of menstrual spots on my right cheek, i thought: yaudahlah, namanya juga hormon.
but then it wont go away. malah terus ada temen temennya, nongol jerawat kedua, ketiga,
lama lama sekampung, everybody's on my right cheek. ewh!
mulai panik, i went to doctor iye, pas panik & sedih, baru deh hahaha...
they fixed me, lumayan... walaupun tetep ada tanda merah di pipi *tos sama tante betharia sonata*,
any other part of my face went OK. until i decided to stop visiting the doctor, and bought this brand,
katanya sih cukup handal, gue udah riset internet & review review, banyak yang cocok.
oke, beli. berhubung ngga terlalu mahal juga, karna drugstore brand.
IT WAS THE SECOND WORSE DECISION. huh! the worst was dumping erw back in 2002.
i was literally in the state of shock. siyokkk, karna everything went worse to evil *brb nangis lagi*.

i went back to the doctor, and it cost berkali kali lipat dari harga drugstore skincare itu. huh!
kali ini gue tau masalahnya: i'm aging. and i'm stressed out. sedih yaaa...
little did i know bahwa ternyata kerja-kuliah-keluarga doing bad stuff to my skin,
beberapa kali konsultasi, beberapa kali juga sekampung jerawat dateng lagi,
karna ya itu... gue belom bisa eliminate stres dari menu sehari hari.
but luckily, they gave me this anti acne lotion that works like magic,
i used it religiously, ditambah skincare yang skarang gue pake, it went better.

THEN, me and nenox had thousands hours of discussion on skincare, i browse more,
visited the counters and asked around when i had the chance, and i finally found it.
the most suitable skincare regime for me, si kulit kombinasi, berminyak di daerah T,
while kering di pipi makanya perlu moisturizer istimeva,
karna pernah ya, gue pake bedak, terus pipinya ngelotok gitu kaya wallpaper. hih serem!
i don't think this ends here tho hahaha *erw pingsan kalo mbaca ini*,
but i do think i found most of the thing my skin needs, here are some notes on how i got there.
*preambule nya panjang ya mbak?!*

1. know your skin,
all of us have different skin, yes?! i learnt it the hard way, but it know that NOW huh!.
masalahnya, ngga semua review itu bener. if you do plan on going online and browse,
search for the reviewer's skin type and make sure she lives on tropical humid area, first,
before you jolt in joy, and actually believed that you've found the right product.
jangan syenang duluuu, itu bisa jadi tipuwannn!!! 
jangan mudah percaya. tapi musti tetep percaya apa kata rudi sih... *krik*
for browsing digitally, i used to picked random blogger and youtube hahaha,
tapi lama lama ngendon di website-website professional make up artist.
miss lisa eldridge, her videos are professionally made ga kebanyakan blabber,
terus ngomongnya juga gak ganjen gituloh. suka sebel gue... huhuhu.
she has similar skin type to mine, oily on T zone, dry on the other part...
dan dia suka pake produk produk untuk mukanya sendiri, makanya gue jadi bisa nyontek ya hahaha.
she gave easy tricks for everyday use, and she often bare-faced at the beginning of the video,
showing all her spots and things. i love her.
nenox actually took a huge part on this, she seems to know more things than i do,
jadi dalam sehari, bisa tuh kita bolak balikan masalah bb krim, terus maskara,
eyeshadow, dannn lain sebagainyaaa ora uwis uwis hahaha. so i love her as much as i love lisa.

2. moisture it inside and out,
selain pilih moisturizer yang cocok, minum air putih, makan buah sayur, and all that stuff,
moisturizing itu ngga cuma jasmani juga ternyata. all those time i waster being stressed out and stuff,
gue suka nggak khusuk kalo solat, sering solat injury time, jarang quality time sama keluarga,
those stuff. hati gue jadi keringgg.

3. spend time to browse around,
digital style, or even visiting the counters dan pulang bawa sample.
sayangnya ngga banyak sih brand yang bisa kasih sample.
tapiii, kadang gue suka jalan jalan abis nge gym, when i have no make up on,
terus minta beauty assistant nya untuk tester-in muka kita sama 1 range produknya dia.
i tried the basic skincare aja, nggausah yang macem macem dulu,
and i learnt my lesson, bahwa dalam satu rangkaian itu, not all the products fit best to you,
kadang hanya sabun nya aja, tapi kurang moist, dan cleanser nya bikin perih,
those stuff... ribet yah!!! *kalo erw baca pasti dia teriak: IYAAA*

4. rajin,
Nothing comes dalam semalam, kecuali air mata mba audi item yang menangis semalam... Mihihi
there. ini dia yang dulu gue ngga sadar. karna took my thick skin for granted,
makanya gue jaraaang banget beli ulang suatu skincare regime,
padahaaal, kalo udah cocok yaudah terusin ajakan... well sekarang udh insaf hahaha.
karna gue ngga bertambah muda, kondisi kulit juga ngga se-fit-dulu gituloh.
so i'm preseving what's left hahaha, and i mean it this time.
glorious skin, HERE. I. COME *kepalkan tagan*

udah gitu aja tips nya.
so far produk yang udah cocok juga ngga banyak banyak sih, namanya juga newbie,
lagian gue males berinves kalo terlalu mahal & ngga ketauan hasilnya. but i glad i found them, 
hahaha... yakalo banyak duit sih mendingan ke dokter kulit ternama aja minta suntik ini itu.
yet overall, this whole kampung jerawat oleh oleh tambahan dari pursuing MBA has helped me,
not to take for granted on the clean, thick skinned young face i had years ago.
because none of us are growing any younger unless you're a highlander, 
my thick skinned days are over, kulit yang sudah kendor gakan bisa kenceng lagiyaaa,
but i sure wanna look awesome on kinan's wedding day some 20 years from now.
and i need to age beutifully and gracefully. BOOM!

Some product reviews later on the next post. *brb, maskeran dulu*


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