
Showing posts from October, 2015

The pause button (part 2)

i vaguely remembered that i've felt this way before, devastated, broken into pieces without knowing clearly why. such a strange feeling... at the end, i blame it on hormones hahaha, sorry ya mon, kamu kena getah terus, but really... maybe it's the never-ending pressure i keep to myself, maybe i'm simply overloaded with the daily tasks, i can't even enjoy little things anymore, all i know, it was so hard to keep my happy bubble floating lately. they always pop. sedih. all i know, i wasn't being happy, nor keeping my positivism, for days, i was blatantly being a miserable little ball of dark cloud, all grumpy, mara mara terus, ngga sabaran... things even nu grinti can't fix. and i have to say: rasanya gak enak banget. constantly being in a rush, worrying, panicking, being negative, ngga tenang. and driving everyone else around me crazy - obviously erw *maaf ya sayang* so i decided that i had to fix myself, i started spending some time having good ...

Introducing how to shed manly tears

a 6 yo soul is probably one of the most delicate one in a child's lifetime, peralihan dari bayi besar ke anak, peralihan dari sekolah hore horean (di TK), ke SD. sebenernya sekaligus pembuktian si, ajaran-ajaran kita sejak dia balita, berhasil nggak. parameternya sih sederhana aja, kalo kira kira 'ke iseng an' si bocah masih bisa ditolerir oleh umum, perilaku nya masih acceptable di ranah umum, i'd say the parents have nailed it. buat ibuknya, yang paling deg deg ser adalah 'nemenin' masa masa ini, prepping him a whole lot of things he'll be dealing with in the future. karna gue percaya, apapun yang terjadi di fase ini, adalah pintu untuk refleksi pribadi Ar kedepannya. so a couple of weeks ago, there were this. Ar brought home 2 books, and all excited about it. pagi pagi begitu bangun tidur, langsung minta bacain, berulang ulang. hadehhh, begitu melek mami langsung suru bacain, udah gitu karna dia belum ngerti ngerti amat basa inggris, jadi bac...