Getting back on the track

ouyeaaa baby, we're backkk!
mba baru : check
masuk TK : check
masuk SD : check
new office space : check

buat penggemar hidup rutin seperti saya, berat yaaa, transisi ini cukup berattt,
tapi terus what does ngeluh do?
yaudah mari kita kemon.

kids are happy in their new environment, Kin was having difficult time on the first day,
awalnya sih mulus banget, abis drop in dia ke kelas, gue halal bi halal sama ibu ibu,
ehhh, pas gue balik badan, there it was, teary poni face. went on for 2 straight hours.
karnaaa... mungkin dia liat "kok ibu lain masi ada disini, ibu gue pergi?"
zzz... but the rest of the days was fine, udah gue drop in bahkan di gerbang sekolah hahaha,
kan bareng Ar, dan insya allah aman sampe kelas lah kalo di drop disitu.
and Ar? si anak SD, was asking about his homework on the first day hahaha,
talking about ambitious yaaa dududu... anak sapa inihhh,
karna beda jam pulang, dna kasian kalo Kin suru nunggu Ar,
dua anak manis ini gue naikin jemputan sekolah ahirnya,
and mostly because i don't wanna trouble anyone (baca: myself hahaha).
oh my foreverbabies... i do wish that you'll find some sparks on knowledge yah.
*ngetik sambil mbrebes mili*

terus udah dong, on the track semuanya? oh cencu cidakkk hahaha,
new challenges come on business, which is excited, yet scary.
and excitingly, doesnt come from PT BR, but another potential newborn.
more excited, karna mister erw obviously will jump into the ship.
i though having my own business, with my own timing and all has been so wonderful,
now i got to do business, dan pacaran at the same time. SUPER WOOT!
alhamdulilah dikasih Allah jalan untuk ketemuan sama orang orang yang visi misinya sama,
and they found us valuable, makanya kita berdua diajak hahaha.
we're still settling up everything right now, aligning everything and looking at possibilities,

the hardest thing about this, is actually how i finally took that chance and challenged myself,
knapa susah?
orang ada kesempatan, ya ambil aja kelesss, ribet deh lo *said myself*
ya iyasiii, tapi kan harus dipikirin juga konsekuensinya, gak bisa asal IYA aja terus nanti keteteran.
begitulah dilema saya ahir ahir ini.
should i take this? or should i not
so far sih solusinya udah ada, hahaha, ketauan kan cuma pingin nyampah doang hahaha.
tapi ya gitu, i have this difficulties on ensuring myself, that I CAN DO THIS,
biasa lah yaaa, orang kalo mulai sesuatu yang baru, pasti ada gitu gitunya huhuhu.

semakin jauh gue pikirin, semakin gue yakin it's not merely about the money juga,
it's more about how do i push myself to fly higher, and make good use of what i can do,
to contribute to bigger things, to broader community.
and above all, to step off from that comfort zone, LOHHH padahal anaknya suka yang rutin rutin ya?

yahhh begitulah manusia memang aneh, suka yang rutin rutin, yang settle, yang on the track,
tapi constantly looking for challenge dan nekad ngadepin gonjang ganjingnya.
but when opportunity comes knocking on my door,
and challenge you to escalate what i already have?
masa iya aku nda membuka pintu untuk dia?


Unknown said…
Alhamdulillaah banget kalo semuanya sudah on track semua ya Mbak. Semoga new babynya lancar terus! :D

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