Last! but not least
di ujung yang paling ujuuung, dari 2012.
gue di coffee shop deket rumah, mau ngerjain tugas,
hu-uhhh, asoi yaaa...
bandung holiday plan is officially ruined,
to the annual grande lunch.
tempat lunch nya sih biasa, gak bawa nannys juga udah biasa.
tapi kali ini agak istimewa, karena arka duduk manis the whole meal time,
makan banyak banget, dari spageti, sashimi, mie goreng, sampe dessert segala.
makan ceria nya, dibantu sama nenek-nenek nya dengan senang hati.
makanya lunch hari ini jadi istimewa, karna gue AHINYA bisa makan dengan tenang,
menikmati kunyahan, demi kunyahan, karena cuma jagain si poni aja,
itupun tandem sama erw & sepupu sepupu gue yang pada rebutan gendongin dia.
i swear the roasted chicken with the bbq sauce was so good,
gue sampe merem merem sambil ngunyah.
abis lari treadmil, makan banyakkk. perfectly balanced. ohohoho.
menyambut tutup tahun, here's something so 'new-year-y'
my favorite new year theme song from one of the favorite series,
the best scene is when miranda opens the door, seeing carrie is there for her.
*siap siap tissue*
nah kan... abis nonton, mata gue berkaca kaca ni jadinya.
it's just... i have been missing my inner circle so much,
kayanya gak cukup banget waktu gue untuk mereka.
i even lost my words, telling them how much i 'm sorry,
for missing all the things i shouldn't miss.
and despite of it all, they're there for me, all the time, round the clock.
my strength, my joy, my everything.
gue di coffee shop deket rumah, mau ngerjain tugas,
hu-uhhh, asoi yaaa...
bandung holiday plan is officially ruined,
but yeah... whatever. gakpapah... gakmamah.
bandungnya juga gakan kemana mana ya pan.
tadi pagi mendingan gym ajah sama iparku yang perempuan semata wayang,
ngobrol ngibil sambil sarapan, balik, mandi, langsung cabcus,to the annual grande lunch.
tempat lunch nya sih biasa, gak bawa nannys juga udah biasa.
tapi kali ini agak istimewa, karena arka duduk manis the whole meal time,
makan banyak banget, dari spageti, sashimi, mie goreng, sampe dessert segala.
makan ceria nya, dibantu sama nenek-nenek nya dengan senang hati.
makanya lunch hari ini jadi istimewa, karna gue AHINYA bisa makan dengan tenang,
menikmati kunyahan, demi kunyahan, karena cuma jagain si poni aja,
itupun tandem sama erw & sepupu sepupu gue yang pada rebutan gendongin dia.
i swear the roasted chicken with the bbq sauce was so good,
gue sampe merem merem sambil ngunyah.
abis lari treadmil, makan banyakkk. perfectly balanced. ohohoho.
if i can put one small word, to sum up the year 2012,
it will be life altering. OY, itu dua kata oooy.
sungguhhh... life changing, exhausting yet exciting.
business is challenged, big time.
my personal entrepreneurship skill is striving to move out from the comfort zone,
it's like looking at channel tunnel, le tunnel sous la manche,
then convince myself, making myself believe that i CAN swim across it.
swim across something so large, ending line nya aja gak keliatan.
but the major change,
was mainly happening di perjalanan gue balik ke sekolah lagi.
dari ikutan ujian, terus nyari beasiswa, terus dapet,
terus masuk sekolah, ketemu temen temen baru, kegiatan baru,
terus ada never ending tugas, ujian, dan hal hal lain yang bikin garuk garuk kepala.
tidur tengah malem muluk. oh how i miss going to bed at 8!
everything that i have to compensate with,
the shorter office hour, the ojek ride, the assignments,
those little eyes of my kids that i miss, their bedtime stories,
worth every sweat and tears, baby!!!
i know the change is good, but i also realize it won't be easy.
nyang namanya perubahan mah biasanya ada aja gak enaknya ya.
but hey, i've chosen the pace, i'll finish the race.
my favorite new year theme song from one of the favorite series,
the best scene is when miranda opens the door, seeing carrie is there for her.
*siap siap tissue*
nah kan... abis nonton, mata gue berkaca kaca ni jadinya.
it's just... i have been missing my inner circle so much,
kayanya gak cukup banget waktu gue untuk mereka.
i even lost my words, telling them how much i 'm sorry,
for missing all the things i shouldn't miss.
and despite of it all, they're there for me, all the time, round the clock.
my strength, my joy, my everything.
untuk 365 hari kedepan, kalaulah gue masih diberi usia amin ya Allah.
mudah mudahan tekad makin bulat, hati jadi lebih kuat,
pikiran lebih cemerlang, kesabaran gak cepet ngilang.
AND! last but not least,
badan ini lebih mirip sama badan andien AMINNN!!! AYO SEMUA AMINKAN!
let's embrace everything we have,
let's cheers to life!
Semoga terkabul semua doanya.
Selamat tahun baru 2013.. :")
you are one of the inspirations. :)
temennya rindu lho, mimuuut..kita lunch date yuk..kapan free??