The birthday people 2016

hahaha, udah lama juga sih ya mbaknya, udah lama lewat ulangtaunnya hahaha,
so i thought, yeah, let me just write down my birthday note (2 months from the day),

first and foremost:
Halfway to 70 yo, i think this year is the most life-altering by far. Terimakasih Allah atas segala berkah.

Life-altering by far
At the end of 2016, i did say it was the most life-altering by far. Ternyata Allah sayang luar biasa,
sama gue & keluarga gue. This is INDEED the most life-altering.
So many things changing, so many adjustment in various magnitude and size. But then here we are,
looking at the sunset of 2017. Standing stronger.

Happiness is self made, it always is
i'm a firm believer of a self-made happy bubble. if you ever feel so unhappy,
do check your own self, is it you? or is there's one person that's so annoying you wanna kick em?
or is it your envy to other people?
whatever it is, gue percaya bahwa: kita tuh gak bisa atur atur orang lain.
kalo pingin ngatur orang lain sesuai mau kita? well, have fun trying...
masinis bisa kendaliin kereta, nahkoda bisa kendaliin kapal. lha situ?
masinis bukan, nahkoda pun tidak. hahaha... you see?

daripada ngarep punya kekuatan "tatap mata saya" dan bisa menghipnotis orang banyak,
adjusting your own self is a lot easier, inhale-exhale, atur atur deh tu expectation dirimu sendiri,
by doing so, you're lighter. you're more flexible...
and as soon as you get to adjust yourself, try to accept it.
not in the sense that 'nyerah' apalagi 'pasrah'. accept it like a champion gets defeated,
it's ok. this is the world, fana. kadang menang-kadang kalah... basa keren nya:
lemesin aja shayyy! hahaha...

pelaksaannya agak susah disini,
 karna gue anaknya ambi & pursuant hahaha...
so whenever i want it, i go get it. kalo ada masalah dijalan, gue selesaikan gue basmi tuntas.
but you know what, sometimes the world doesnt go that way...
kadang-kadang there's nothing you can do despite of your strong will and abundant power.
sometimes, Allah pingin kita hanya sujud dan berdoa.
struggle, usaha sampe batas kemampuan kita, and then just... you know...
sujud. minta sama Allah.
this is actually the boldest things in my life right now... still trying, will get there... soon...

i used to think, kalo sukses tu musti di gadang gadang, diumumin pakek toa masjid.
well, it turns out not.
any achievement, sebenernya gak perlu digembar gemborin,
it comes from the spark in people's eyes when they discuss things with you.
it does.
ketika orang tau what you do, and how good you are at what you do, they sparkle near you,
they got inspired, they start random-nice-intriguing discussion with you,
they talk to you for hours and doesn't get bored at all. they recognize you.
langit juga gak pernah koar koar kan kalo dia tinggi *zen pose*

Children carries very strong positive energy, so do families
over the time, gue suka posting posting tingkah polah anak anak di socmed,
they are the real unicorn, mannn... let me tell you.
ASLIK! they're made of pure magic.

another thing i learn this year was, never take anything for granted, not kids, not your parents,
syukuri semua berkah yang hadir dalam hidup, via orang orang manis lucu gemas ini,
syukuri semua tawa, semua kalimat, semua peluk yang bisa dirasain kapanpun,
because you never know when your time's up.
hug them, laugh with them, take a good care of them. forever.

Life can go cruel and restless
the best remedy being: go home get unwind,
and be sure that there's always always ALWAYS some little things to be happy about.
living on simple pleasure works fine with me, a.k.a anaknya emang murahan & gampang hepi...
hahaha... found it as a great blessing tho!
karna kita gak pernah tau kok, hari cerah bersinar tiba tiba bisa geledeg ujan badai,
klien haha hihi manis manja tiba tiba minta deadline sore ini udah kayak bikin candi,
anak manis manis lucu kiyut tiba tiba bertingkah ngeselin minta ditelen lagi ke perut hahaha.
it's ok. it's part of life, it's what makes your heart beats, rite?

kill em with kindness
nyambung dari poin diatas...
you know sometimes people go mean on you, rite... like MEAN mean, like really mean?
forgive them.
sounds crazy rite! tapi beneran... ngga ada gunanya. negativity is such a bad virus,
it draines you down, makes you tired, adding wrinkles to your forehead.
don't. stop it.
maafin aja... tetep aja berbuat baik, Allah pasti tau. Gusti Allah ora sare.

Dont mind what people think about you
kalo ini belajar dari socmed dan awkari* hahaha, hihihi... yaaa, mak mak gini juga ay ngikutin lah.
caring too much about what people think is just a waste of energy.
Allah is the ultimate judge and the rest is practically bs. pardon my french...
alhamdulilah gue dibesarkan sama orangtua yang ngebangun percaya diri gue jadi tebel gilak,
on my teenage years, alhamdulilah gue 'nerima' aja...
kulit item, gak masalah. dada rata, gak masalah. yang penting gue selalu baik sama semua orang,
despite of my bitchy face-that got me bullied di SMP DAN SMA-puas deh... 
still, gue anaknya mah biasa-biasa aja sama temen-temen gue,
dan alhamdulilah lagi nya, on my teenage year, i met a guy who treasure me for me,
karena gue suka becanda, karna gue lumayan pinter, karna gue penyayang...
kepada bapak exmantan EJIYEHHH thanks, buddy... for building my confidence 18 years ago.

di umur segini, i dont think i care enough on anyone's opinion yang gak penting penting,
unless it's work related atau life threatening gitu...
i care no more tentang kulit muka gue-mau jerawatan kek, dibilang jelekan kek, yeah... so?
i care no more tentang gaya parenting gue, mau dibilang ibusadisgilak kek, yeah... so?

and other things...
diantaranyaaa hahaha,
oven baked sweet potato is sooo gewwwdddd, and super easy to make, aslikkk!
karna #mamamalas kan, skarang udah bisa pake oven, WOOT!!!
go browse on youtube aja banyak banget tutorial & they all worked, booyaa!!!
hello healthy snacking

my brow game is entering new stages: ahirnya beli ABH brow gel hahaha,
beli nya ajaaa, pake semedi loh saking newbie gak bisa dandan nyaaa... ih kzl.
turns out so great!!! worth banget, apalagi model gak suka touch up kaya saya,
berkali kali kena air wudhu, dia stay cyin!

secret to beautiful mascara is... let them dry hahaha.
ini kayanya tergantung merek juga sih, i used to be mebelin gal banget,
si maskara tube 80 ribu itu, ih LOF!!!
tapi lama lama kok daerah mata suka keringgg banget sampe gatel ganggu gitu hih...
ahirnya beli lah benefit they're real. WOWWW they ARE real. aslikkk,
dulu pernah beli sample size, terus cuma tahan beberapa minggu karna gue abuse hahahah,
skarang beli versi beneran, and it does beautiful things to me lashes *TRING!*
kuncinya... let it dry a bit, baru timpa lagi another layer. there...
the secret to all amazingly happy mascara eyed

aaannnddd... udah ah capek hahaha... that's a wrap for my bday note!!!
bonus foto hahaha, lagi miting di tempat klien, di suprise in kue iniii so sweet bangettt,
i bursted into tears and hug them ever dearly, it's so good to be loved.


Riska said…
I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE and treasure this post!
such an enlightenment.. and I just noticed how I *sparkled* because of your post, hihihi.. thank you for the inspiration, Risti. Hope 2017 would be an even more ah-mazing year!
risti said…
Sambil baca aku terharuuu OMG Riska, thank youuu so much for the warm note yah. Hope 2017 brings you abundant blissfulness yah *hugggs*

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