The birthday people 2014

birthday people are backkk!!!
i mean ar and i are celebrating our blessed, comfort life,
the roof on top of our heads, good food, good education, alhamdulilahhh.

seperti biasaaa, after counting blessing, alhamdulilah mengucap syukur sama Allah,
for the endless blessing towards us, my family, my closest people, my job, my life.

on his 5th year, mas ar is developing a obsession on lego, alhamdulilah banyak kadonyaaa,
but still, kita masih terus terusan ingetin dia supay ngga lupa segalanya kalo udah main lego,
because i know i develop that kind of habit, kalo lagi asik sesuatu suka lupa daratannn.
on the wish list, masih ngga berubah dari harapan kita membesarkan laki laki idaman mertua,
dan gadis gadis manisss hihihi.

as for me, on my 22nd year. YEAHHH BABY!!! hahaha, oh this is patheticcc,
aku sudah tuwak pemirsaaa uhukkk. but it's ok. i'm a wine, i'll be fine with aging.
*tarik napas, buang lagi, ngaca*
taun ini sudah beberapa tahun lepas dari angka 30, i felt more organized,
terutama sama juggling-an karir keluarga teman and the attempt on having normal life.
i keep collecting my list of happy things happy thoughts and happy spots, that helps huge time.
so whenever unfortunate things happen, i just sink myself in my happy bubble,
and the world will be better like in a click.

the boldest highlight this year will be my body, the wonderland hahaha.
karma lately kerja lembur terus, berasaaa banget, namanya badan itu mustiii dijaga,
actually i’m not the ‘hello paleo let’s eat this or not eat that” gitu sih,
belom sampe sana hahaha, aku masih suka MSG, minum soda, makan indomi goreng.
makanya musti lebihhh lagi perhatiin makan, yaaa paling ngga more veggies and fruit,
and try to always eat on time. yappp, sekarang udah ngga malnutrisi, but comes another thing,
a flabby tummy hahaha, dasar manusia, pingin makan tapi perut gak pingin gendut hihihi,
i found it the other day. i was like-oh my lorddd... seriouslyyy, gendut bangattt,
jadiii urusan makan makan ini musti di combine samaaa. exercise.

yeppp, this... i easily skip exercise, nge gym wiken pagi tu berattt,
enakan main dirumah sama anak anak yakannn. but worries not,
karna badan gue suka berasa ngga enak kalo ngga olahraga, ahirnya lari komplek aja,
atau NTC. my new besties nike training club, arrange an exercise, get the yoga mat,
and then work it. yeppp. seger kok, sambil otot pada sakittt abisannya, sadisss.

sleep well. hahaha, sejak BABAY KELAS MALAM, i feel a lot happier and healthier hahaha,
yaiyalah... ngga ada kelas apapun setelah kerja, no more bikin tugas sampe tengah malammm,
cuma paling lembur aja kadang kadang, hahaha, yahhh namanya juga kerjaan, musti disyukuri.
kadang kalo abis lembur in a row beberapa hari, badan tu berasa capekkk banget,
tapi pikiran masi kemana mana, duhhh susahhh banget tidur, sampe rumah, malah seger.
this is what i've been learning to do, yaaa, semacam yoga-hypnosleeping ala ala gitu hahaha.
firstly, lay down, usahakan sejajar dari kelapa ke kaki, means usahakan tanpa bantal,
breathe properly, napas irama gitu... hahaha, apasih, kok aneh ya jadi inget bang haji,
kalo napas udah teratur, renggangin semua otot, loose your toes and the fingers on your feet,
loose your hips, your arms, your shoulder, your face, paling ahir, jidat.
kalo gue, semua pikiran tu adanya di jidat, karna pikiran belum kosong, jidat tu tegang ga bisa bobo.
jadi i try to loose it, kadang kadang gue pegang aja pake jempol, diteken pelan,
it's between your eyebrows, sambil pencet pencet jidat, kosongin pikiran, baca doa,
biasanya i don't recall anything afterwards. pengsannn...

at this age, my peers suka banget kan becanda: faktor U, ya bener banget sih emang!
orang kemarin nih ya, lembur bareng bareng klien sampe tengah malem,
kebetulan klien klien ini ada yang seumuran gue, yaudah kita lembur deh tuh rame rame,
pas ditawarin siapa yang mau teh manis anget: NGACUNG!
terus ada yang minta tolak angin: NGACUNG LAGI!!!
mwahahaha, 3 orang yang ngacung saling liat liatan dan ketawa ngakak, faktor U yaaa.
hips dont lie bebiii, badan makin tua, berasa bahwa kinerjanya agak turun,
but worry not, let's just be old gracefully, by taking care of whatever we have.
so there it was the 4 things i keep on this birthday, resep awet muda, aging like wine.
makan, olahraga, istirahat, and mostly: be happy.

so i'm wishing everybody a wonderful weekend, wonderful sleep!
i obviously need a lot of it, after rounds of working late, pounding hearts and stuff huhuhu.


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