Thick skinned part 2

jadi... ini dia,
kayanya gue akan awet pake produk produk ini, knowing they work well for me,
and affordable too *penting bangattt iniii lohhh*
on skincare.

eh maap itu fotonya kok jadi silau gituya. maap yahhh.
kiehl's ultra facial cleanser was the first kiehl's product ever for me hahaha,
it worked wonderful. my combination skin loves it, not giving me any itches,
this left my skin perfectly happy.
oh, a little tip after washing, do not rub your face, pat it gently hahaha,
pantesannn, dulu dulu kalo abis cuci muka, malahan mukanya suka perih, terus kaku gitu.
kieh's product are pretty expensive compared to the drugstore items, tapi gue beli dari november,
di april masih ada 1/4 lagi. i literally put a pea size of the thing 2-3 times a day, awet nekkk.
great stuff!

moisturizer is a bit confusing to me at first, karna ngga semua produk for combination skin cocok,
hahhh, aku rasanya seperti berjudi, beli produk, coba. kalo cocok alhamdulilah,
kalo ngga cocok, buang. i've always been a drugstore princess remember,
back them, i could easily ditch them. but not since i found this and took this thing seriously.
i found kiehl's deep moisture clarifying cream. waktu pertama pergi ke kiehl's mas mas nya review kulit,
oh. my. lord. banyak amattt masalah guaaa. sebel. dari kantong mata, uneven skintone, pipi kering,
bahhh... and he recommended this cream. i was happy on the 1st week of usage.
berasa bangettt, pipi jadi halus. muka empuk kenyel kenyel, i found the perfect moisturizer. TADA!!!
yes, a little bit expensive and off my usual budget, but then again, beli di november,
masih ada 1/3 tube, dengan pemakaian pagi-malem setiap hari. YES! sekarang aku udah rajin hihihi.

Clinique's super city sunbloc spf 40 works so-so on me.
dulu dulu pas pertama pake, i thought it was too greasy, i didn't like it.
ternyata muka kalo pake foundation, atau semacamnya, ya emang gitu hahaha hohhh, dasar norak.
dan memang dulu, gue cuma pake loose powder aja, and that's it. boo!
i usually mix it with the TADA cream *maap males ngetik namanya panjang si*,
to give balanced moisturizer. abis itu pake loose powder yang ada, pluk pluk pluk, siappp!

on weekend morning, i use clinique's 7 day scrub cream. cool stuff!
scrubbing pake ini amazingly ngga membuat kulit gue tambah kering, the beads are OK,
after math nya juga OK, idung berasa bersih dari komedo, jidat juga.
i stayed away from tanda merah di pipi by the way, because dermatologist told me it's bad hahaha.
at the end of the day, if i feel like it, i use facemask, skinfood cucumber soothing mask,
just found it yesterday, after browsing several brands, and i love it!
i only need to soothe my skin, calm it down before bedtime. and it did, happy happy happy.

kiehl's midnight recovery concentrate has been raved about in so many ways,
azekkk, basa basa bloger beauty yes HAHAHA... 
awalnya gue ambil sampel dulu. sekali pake, eh kok enak. i love the smell, and how it leaves my skin,
terus minta sampel lagi, sampe 3 kali hahaha.
i'm still in search for eyecream tho, the one i'm using now is not showing any progress,
entah apa kulit mata gue udah segitu kendorrr, atau emang ngga cocok aja.
the search is still ON for eyecream.

on cleanser.

duluuu banget, i had an unpleasantly nasty experience with cleanser,
padahal dari merk cukup ternama, dan gue gak ngerti, if that's my skin's fault or the product.
it says eye make up remover ya, yaudah gue pake di mata dong. mata yang di muka, bukan di kaki,
it stings! tapi gue pikir gara gara kekencengan ngusap kapas aja, i continued using it for a week,
it left me giant-visible from Eiffel tower-red-panda eyes, i kid you not. parah banget jekkk. hih!
my eyes weren't even black like pandas, they're red. boo!
since then, i used baby oil, and only baby oil for eye make up remover.
and for the rest of my face, i used soap and water. that's it! finito. betek aku.
well before finding the TADA cleanser, gue beli kiehl's supremely gentle eye makeup remover,
practically because i need some cleanser. d-ohhh.
yaudah, dipake di mata, terus ya, biasanya kan kaya ginian boleh boleh aja dipake di muka,
gue coba lah dimuka... eh bruntusan kecil kecil sodari!!! bahhh... langsung konsul sama nenox,
teryata some products are really strict to the name. eye is for an eye, jangan lah lo pake di muka,
begok deh ah grmbl grmbl grmbl.

but then i visited dubai and met nenox, she introduced me to this, sephora triple action cleansing water,
yang meskipun belinya jauh dan harus regularly nitip nitip, I LOVE IT.
it didn't sting, yet gives me the squeaky clean feeling after spending a day with make up on,
recently, one of my good friend came from sg, dan gue titip dong. tapi dia salah beli hahaha,
laki sih soalnya ya kaga ngarti gini ginian. sephora soothing cleansing milk.
and it did excellent job also! yeayyy, bedanya cuma, this milky thingy is more gentle,
yet didn't have that squeaky feeling afterwards, jadi kalem kalem aja kayanya.
well unfortunately, a couple of months ago, i was sold by the advice of kiehl's BA hahaha,
*aku anaknya murahan*, i bought centella skin-calming facial cleanser.
halahhh, jadi dobel dehhh... tapi gapapa, all of the products work so well, aku hepi.

on make up

well obviously not a pro hahaha, cupuuu. to be very honest, gue sangat pelit dalam beli make up,
karna sifatnya kan dekoratif ya, and seasons and style changed, jadi gue males beli yang mahal,
atau yang aneh aneh, takutnya malah ngga kepake. these things are the essential daily basis sih,
dan yang sering gue pake sehari hari saat ini... yang gue udah sreggg,
yang ngga sreg mah gausah dibahasss hahaha... kebanyakannn yah mbakkk.
remember that i'm a drugstore princess, hahaha, i got tempted easily over cheap-meaningless stuff,
apalagi mekap yaaa...

oh look, i just purchased my first ever foundation!
itupun setelah berrrjuta juta jam ngobrolin ginian sama si nenox hahaha,
first i was aming for bb cream, totally sold to the promise, si krim sagala aya.
but then it turns out to be a las vegas situation, since everything is so vague, and unpredicted. mirip judi bokkk!
masalahnya gini, with bb cream, yes you got spf, coverage, etc etc. pertama sih aku syenang,
yeayyy an all in one cream! beli deh bb cream yang gue rasa mumpuni hasil brosing brosing,
and then nenox gave me her half-tube-leftover bb cream, terus gue dikasih sama temen bb krim.
and i learned. you. can't. win. them. all. yappp, untung gue quick learner kali ini hahaha.
bb krim ini gue pake suka suka aja, kalo lagi pengen, ke kantor, kalo engga ya cuma si basic skincare,
yang paling mendekati ekspektasi adalah skinfood mushroom multi care bb cream spf 20 PA+.
dicampur sama TADA cream, otherwise it will dried out my skin.

for long working hours, pilihan foundation jatuh kepada revlon colorstay normal/ dry skin,
baca jutaan review, it has been around for ages ternyata. dan banyak yang cocok,
revlon is pretty reputable too, so i though: why not. jadi ke counter nya, tunjuk dengan mantap,
dipilihin shade sama BA, bayar, pulang. hahaha.
karna jarang pake foundi di masa lalu, i think it's doing just fine for me,
waktu itu ada acara jam 7 pagi sampe jam 1 malem keesokan harinya, masih ON mukak gua hahaha.
dan ngga terlalu oily suprisingly, cuma mungkin gue aja yang ngga terbiasa pake mekap lengkap,
padahal pas pake oil blot paper, minyak nya dikiiit banget dan cuma di idung sama dagu aja.
the search isn't over tho, pingiiin banget cobain laura mercier yang kondang itu, hihuuu.

blush on is not a thing for me, always been in love with bodyshop, walopun sempet MAC juga,
this blush i'm using isn't my ultimate favourite actually, the ultimate sayangnya fragile bangettt,
dua kali beli, dua kali juga kebanting dikit dan hancur berkeping keping boo!
this one is fine, karna gue senengnya emang rada coral-bronze gitu.
the bodyshop's baked to last blush in coral. purrrfect, karna ada bagian putih shimmer i think,
that i can put under my eyes, making my panda eyebags look prettier. hihihi
for more laid back days aka hari malas make up, i love love love etude house water color blusher,
this little guy on the tube has the perrrfect shade of my natural blush. jadi gini,
think about your cheek after a workout or a run. i always love those shade, karna alami & sehattt,
this guy, has it. pertama kali gue pake, bingung, pakenya gimana hahaha...
terus yaudah pake jari aja, jari tengah sama jari manis, di blend di pipi. and huwowww, i love it!
warna pipi gue persisss kalo pas abis lari, oh this one's a keeper. definitely.

maskara gue daridulu selalu maybelline volume express, dulu cuma ada yang item gendut,
skarang temennya banyak hahaha, ini lagi pake yang ungu the falsie volume and it's great.
a little trick i got along the way, karna bulumata gue irit, tipis dan pendek,
i tried hard to make it more visible yaaa, i even consider pake bulumata palsu,
tapi lupa terus mau beli yang natural untuk sehari hari... the trick is, sprinkle some loose powder,
to the eyelashes after curling it, baru dipakein maskara. it worked pretty well to me,
bulu mata terlihat keberadaannya, apalagi kalo disapu berulang ulang pake si falsie ini,
apalagi juga pake pake maskara benefit yang konon katanya ciamix itu hihihi.

and the last one: liquid eyeliner jatuh kepada maybelline hyper shape liner,
i think i'm more to pencil liner kinda girl sih, tapi ahir ahir ini suka pake liquid,
i like it really thin, on the lashline, or put a wing on it yang mana susah bangettt bikin wing nya simetri,
this helped me a lot on knowing my eye shape, and what to do with it,
also confirming that too long winged eyeliner will make me look vicious and bitchy hahaha.

lipstick, mmm, i'm currently using clinique chubby stick intenst in roomiest rose,
it was OK... ngga long last & i tend to hate lip color that doesn't last long,
BUT, the moisturiser is good. pretty good lah, asal ngga kena makanan.
karna biasanya lipstik tu bikin bibir gue keriiing banget & ngga enak kalo pake nya terlalu lama,
i still love my babylips lipbalm tho, jadi di combo dua ini aja, kadang bareng, kadang sendiri sendiri.
unless if i wanna wear non neutral color on my lips.
more trick for the natural lips these days, gue pake si etude house water color blusher, di bibir hahaha.
it worked like wonder!!! gue bawa makan, terus lap lap dikit, warna bibirnya tetep kaya gitu,
i. love. it!!!

by the vhay, ini tips dari neng lisa eldridge.
logikanya, kalo di pipi bisa munculin warna natural pipi,
mustinya bibir juga dong... i tried it, and it DID! hahaha
hebat, neng lisa. tutorial contekan judul nya "no make up - make up",
which made me giggled along the way, karna mbingungin banget hahaha,
no make up, tapi make up, tapi no make up hahaha pusing.
link nya disini. sungguh ciamixxx, dan gampiiil diikutin untuk newbie,
apalagi newbie yang winged eyeliner nya nga pernah seimbang di mata kanan ama kiri. hihihi.

eyeshadow, haven't found the one, but i did learnt that, produk mahal lebih gampang diaplikasikan,
karna sekali towel aja udah keliatan... beda sama produk yang 30 ribuan drugstore gitu hihihi.
but of course i dreamed about having those urban decay pallete *not that i need one jugasi*,
karna ya itu tadi, rasanya belum rela keluarin duit lebih banyak untuk dekoratif thingy gini.

do you have any TADA products? do share!!! cause the search for the TADA make up range,
is obviously NOT over yet.
kiss and more kisses!


Ray said…
Tiiii...hahaaha..pertama kalinya gua baca blog lo nih. Buset panjang bener :) cucok lah buat nyalurin hobi share2 obrolan lo...hahahahaa. xoxo, Soraya
risti said…
raaay hahaha, jadi malu gueee x__x

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