That bright little things


I never really care about my nails,
Until i got pregnant.
Entering the last semester, it's getting harder and harder to even take a peek at your knee.
Apalagi to cut your toenails.
Makanya gue mulai cecentilan pedicure darisitu.

Sejak itu jadi habit hehe...
Aside from the unpretty toes yang kayanya selalu keliatan dekil,
Gue emang ngga pernah rapi kalo motong kuku kaki.
Kayanya udah salah potong dari dulu gitudeh.
And yes, this is mostly pembenaran to spend some puluhan ribu only on my toenails :))

From meni pedi, comes nail polish
Ohhh gemetttsss...
Andalan gue saat ini masih faceshop nail polish.
Lumayan awet (as i just use them once a month on my period).
Gampang dipake,
Pretty good range of colors,
Dan mursidddahhh... Penting inihhh!
Below 50 thou, which means ngga usah ngalahin budget belanja dapur untuk beli kuteks hahaha.
Na-aaa... Ngga sesadis itu juga sih sebenernya...

The hardest part about applying nailpolish adalah harus diem nunggu kering.
Mmmhhhppp i'm such a loser for it.
Beratus ratus kali berhasil mengusap kuas warna dengan sempurna di 10 jari tangan,
Selalu gagal dengan end up kesenggol, kepentok, kegaruk, kecolek, sampe kegigit arka.

Last time i had menicure pedicure,
Setelah labil gara gara ngeliat boks penuh kuteks... Ohhh gemettts
I ended up painting it red!!!
Pas juga hati gue lagi agak gembira karena the wind is blowing everything good to my life *lebay gelakkk.

And look what the bright red nails did to me!
It brings an ear to ear smile hihihi...

The next day pas lagi meeting, when i was talking and moving my hands (yeaaa i do this when talking. Do you do too?).
The red nails stole my eyes away.
Gue jadi tambah semangat sambil pingin terus ngomong sambil kibas kibas tangan.

And the bestest part, is when i was running late to take arka to school before work.
Gue asal ambil sepatu peeptoe dan agak bete karena macetot gilakkk...
But when i got off the car, seeing those little red thingy on my feet...
And arka's little shoes next to mine...

Sebelnya ilang! Babarblasss

I think everyone should know this trick,
There are some small silly little things that deliver sparks to your everyday


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