Look what i found!

Wiken ini ahirnya terlaksana juga bebenah barang bayi.
Karena kinan juga udah mau setahun,
And we quit having babies,
Boanyakkk banget barang bayi yang mau gue kasih-kasihin ke orang.

Most of them are clothes.
Dari baju newborn kancing 3,
Popok kain, baju monyet yang lucu lucu (yang cuma muat sebentar di kinan),
Sampe hardware kaya bouncer, Playmate,
Botol bayi, tas bayi, gendongan.
Kamar anak anak sampe berantakan bangettt abis gue bebenah.

Then of course, i stumbled into some things that make me stop sorting the stuff.
I was almost cried, so emotional.
Memories are played in my head like a movie.

So i decided to dedicate a bag, to keep a bit of the memories of my kids.
Now I sure know how ms witwicky feels when sam's leaving for college, on that movie transformers.

I kept kinan's first shoes! A pair of pink plastic shoes my bestfriend gave her as a gift.
her first outfit out of the hospital is still being worn, and her blanket too.

And arka's stuff.
His blanket, his first shoes,
his first clothes we put on when we took him home from the hospital.
And those thingy that helped him breathe after NICU :')


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