recently: virtually balanced

since balanced is my middle name.
*ngetik sambil handstand tangan satu*
i recently found the perfect combination on the web.

the first one is harvard business review.
lha iyeee, kemana aja neng?

i found the site pretty useful, ada beberapa hints,
and book reviews, notes, blogs,
basically everything about business.
and they have the iphone apps too!
so they're literally attached to my palm.
happy happy

bukanya pingin keminter atau gimana si,
i don't really like reading these kinda stuff actually.
normally i'm the last person you'll ever seen in business books' bookshelves.

tapi ini demi masa depan, buung!
supaya ngga bego bego amat gituuu, ketika mulai sekolah bulan depan.
maluk bokkk, udah tuwir, ilmu segitu gitu aja.
i gotta update me self. yes, sumangattt!

yang bikin gue tertarik adalah,
ternyata artikelnya ngga segitu njelimet kok. pake enggris sehari hari,
try this one. tentang hikmah membaca novel. lalala
> milih topiknya yang cupu dulu. level pemula.
although i was kinda "what the heck" when i read the word extolling.
uhukkk, i need those roti penghafal kamus from doraemon

and on the other corner of the ring.
here it is...
gara gara diracunin ipar gue,
dan ngeliatin adek gue yang tiba tiba suka cekikikan sendiri,

it's 9gag.
jadi ini sebenernya portal kurang penting.
baru tau juga kalo the saying: Y U NO.
was initiated from the site. with those hilarious emoticons they call meme.

this is one of the page that makes me laugh. about the eel.
who look like they just told a joke, and are waiting for a reaction :))

they have lots of amazing artworks,
funny faces and expression,
sweet stories, it also have something for the sore eyes
and yes, they also have the apps: 9gag readers.
yang suka crash kalo gue terlalu cepet pencet button next.

ah virtual world.
let's make the best of it, shall we


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