A little bit of alfred

perasaan tak menentu nih,
kerjaan sih oke oke, keluarga oke oke.
hasil sekolah yang kurang oke oke.

in short, i fall.
tapikan motto gue: when we fall, bounce!
so i took some note on the new things i learn.

never. i mean, never blame other people when you fall.
kalopun orang lain berkontribusi terhadap kejadian ini,
don't blame them. just don't.
karena di satu telunjuk yang menuding ke arah mereka,
ada 4 jari lain yang menuding balik ke arah kita.
ya itu salah kita sendiri, knapa jatuh.
D-L. derita-lu.

adapt. adapt immediately.
pembiaran dan kelemotan won't take me nowhere,
ketika gue membiarkan hal hal yang gue tau sebenernya gak bisa gue terima,
tapi gue diem aja.
nah... itudia akarnya.
i stick to my ground of believes, gak mau adapt sama situasi.
ahirnya gini deh.

back to your main purpose
walopun erw udah nawarin berkali-kali: mau berenti?
gue terlalu keras kepala dan terlalu songong untuk ngelepasin impian ini.
so i take a short trip to my main purpose,
kenapa gue risking all my nights begadang kerjain tugas,
sacrificing my lullaby times with the kids,
times for the gym, beauty sleep, everything!
once i'm stepping on the ground zero, there it was.
semangat gue balik lagi, just like that.
entah karna gue orangnya moody, sehingga perasaan gampang berubah,
atau emang songong ajasih hahaha!

go to your happy spot. quick!
at the end of the day, tentu saja harus besyukur,
that i have my happy spots.
let it be cuma ngobrols ama mamah & papah,
watsapan sama inner circle gue sesama MBA pursuant.
love you guys! can't imagine i'd gone through this without you.
ngeteh ngeteh bertiga sama arka & kinan pagi pagi,
atau bikinin mereka popcorn,
atau belanja bulanan sama erw,
atau minum es sirup tjampolay pake sari kelapa berdua.
i own it, i feel safe and recover faster in it.

now let's have a good lunch, everyone.
here's a little bit of alfred from me.


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