different shades of rainbow

Kadang gue heran, ko dibarat sana sering banget adain riset ini itu for children's development

Setelah ternganga sama heidi murkoff (what to expect series) yang berhasil menjawab (hampir) semua pertanyaan bodoh gue tentang pregnancy & nurturing children in their early years, comes this kind of researches yang good to read banget dan relatif singkat untuk dicerna dan diaplikasikan

Then stumbled into this from TIME:
How to help childhood anxiety and depression? Tailor your parenting style. | http://ti.me/pAE6qb

This one's about tailor made parenting for each inddividual kids, on how we should have differennt approach for different child. saya kebetulan sudah beranak dua (tapi aku masih kece loh - apaan sih ti... Kebiasaan out of context deh. grrrkkk) dan sepenuhnya sadar bahwa kedua anak ini pasti berbeda dan sudah barangtentu butuh approach yang berbeda juga.

Every child has their own shade of color, just like the rainbow
hey, I like that sentence.
don't I sound so mature, perfectly sane and wise right now?


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