dear arka: you're turning 2!

tadi sih niatnya mau wishing my first born a happy birthday
tapi speechless...
udah jelas banget banyaknya rahmat Allah yang udah diterima keluarga gue
karunia yang cuma bisa gue bales dengan berusaha sekeras mungkin menjaga titipanMu
anter mereka jadi orang yang bener

this posting was one and a half year ago on facebook page.
pas gue dititik paling amaze, that Allah lets us to keep this wonderful wonderful child
so here it is, the feeling hasn't changed a bit
terharu juga masih aja... norak ya *lap ingus*

"Today is your official 6th months. Alhamdulilah
Congratulation baby, I can see you grow and all well. 
Alhamdulilah. If I could just share how we were 6 months ago? 
We were a mess. Yepp MESS pretty much explains all.

It was the day me & your dad crushed to our bones. Being told that things might go worse and you might not make it and that the Almighty might took you away from us. So soon, so fast. Yes we were devastated. But then we came to realize that if it's up to the Almighty. Then so be it. We are puny to IT's eyes

There were times I hold my tears, watching you sleep between wires, not able to hold you yet. Just touching your tiny toes, between wires. There were times I got so anxious at night, waiting for the doctor to bring us some good news. But at the end, it was you who recover yourself. It was your call to fight for another catch of breath. Your call to fix your little lungs and call the ventilator a quit. It was all yours

Somehow I believe that we all pass you the blood of a fighter. I just believe, even if you're just a newborn with blurry sight. Even if you haven't recognised my face yet, nor slept on my arms. I knew, and I just knew. You will stand up to yourself, you'll go through this and make us proud. Even in your earliest days, you've proven it.

So, here you are, in your 6th month. Happy and healthy like we wish you to always be. You already have huge curiosity on almost everything and we're getting more and more excited to be your host to the whole wide world

You won't even understand this note by now. But I'm sure, like I always am. I'm sure that you, my dear, will carry on being a fighter. Even if later on, your days are dark and your roads are bumpy. Just hold on to this note, and remember me saying: you too, are going to survive this.

I love you mas

arka, 6 months old


Anggia Nunik said…
dan besok mas aka udh 2 tahun..yeeeaay! :)

sehat selalu ya nak..tante nun loves you *soen*
risti said…
Maaci tantenuuun

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