Tune into: drunk on love

kalo nonton lagu di tivi jaman sekarang,
i really miss the 90s.
where people with good voice and good look,
sing a good song with meaningful lyric,
and they just sing.

gak ada kostum kostum aneh, gak ada gesture gesture seksoy,
ya kalo jaman sekarang kan semuanya nyanyi kudu pake megal megol seronok,
cium ciuman, penuh gesture menjurusss gitulah.
meskipun lagunya enak, gue merasa risih banget kalo musti liat adegan adegan kaya gitu.
alhasil mendingan gausah liat ajadeh sekalian.

gak ada bunyi bunyi yang membingungkan.
ini bunyi alat musik apasi?
jebulane hasil komposisi elektrik.

this is one of the kind i was talking about.
the "just music" kinda music.
simple good music, and simple music video yang watch-able,
dimana gue bisa nonton dari awal sampe ahir tanpa perlu merasa 'geli'.
look at all the happy people making good music,
ih hepi banget...

oh the 90s... how i miss you.
selain rindu masa muda & six pack ab i used to own,
akupun kangen sekali musikmuh.



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