What i think i should wear

in 2013 y'all... this is a sneak peak for my personal note!
melanjutkan yang waktu awal taun gue posting.
loving s/s more than a/w, karena lebih wearable di daerah tropis tercinta inih,
dan warnanya lebih bright, lebih cocok untuk kulit gue hahaha.

so the first one,  
color of the year for 2013... look at the color palette,
looks like fun fun fun!!!
color blocks fashion will still be around, so this guide might be very handy,
for the wardrobe resolution hihihi. jadi gak perlu beli baru, diubek ubek aja lagi.
siap siap disun suami hihihi.

the 2013's primary color is said to be emerald.

taken from here

yes angelina, you're ahead of us with that emerald jewelries segede gede bagong,
you wore on 2009 oscar.

emerald will be fresh, karena ijo bawaannya emang seger ye.
but be careful, kalo gak terbiasa pake ijo ijo ijo,
you might think that you look like leprechaun, atau pagar tanaman. hahaha...
black beige and white will of course be fine with emerald.
mmmh, mungkin lebih enak juga kalo kenal sama nyi roro kidul ya,
bisa minta pinjem dari koleksinya doi. ha!!!
more about how to wear emerald green, disindang ceu!

warna lain, ada pastel juga sih, cream shades they call linen YEAY!!!
poppy red is also fun, kalo mau popping out one thing on what you're wearing.
sebenernya gue lagi nyari kuteks juga, for this reddish-orange hue.
belum ketemu ketemuuu...
although OPI pasti ngeluarin sih fufufufu *kekepin dompet*.
anyway gue udah tau mau beli kerudung warna selanjutnya,

i personally find peacock colors are interesting. not as common as leopard,
don't take it too literal tho, hahaha.
kalo pake nya bener, elegant will instantly filling the air.
kalo sekiranya terasa lebey pake ornamen merak like ms bradshaw did on the wedding gown,
we can always peek at the peacock blue, keren pun!
shade biru yang kayak gini nih...

taken from here

should try this on to know if this matches the sawo matang complexion,
the face, particularly, karna pan akiks cuma boleh keliatan muka doang, sama tangan hihi.
but i think this should go fine by sawo matang complexion, try to have lighter hijab inner maybe.
*by typing this, aku serasa ingin segera melumpat ke toko kerudung terdekat*

now, about the fashion items,
before i spill the juice, i need to say this.
since this blog is not dedicated to fashion in any ways.
dan gue tu ya gak fashionista hijabista-fashionista hijabista amat sih ya,
nah jadi ya kalau kiranya intipan ini membuat sesat, maafin ajaya hahaha.

this is merely personal taste, and personal expression,
am not so keen on accessories, nor arm candy, so there won't be any.
i keep it so simple, just watch and wedding ring.
pake aksesoris di tangan agak ribet cyin kalo lagi beresin anak anak abis pup.

my sources on seing what's cool are magazines, bloggers,
some interesting sources like pinterest and whowhatwear.com,
some street style, dari streetpeeper.com,
and thesartorialist.com pastinya.

one thing for sure, gue cari yang easily done, gampang diikutin.
kalo patron nya ke vogue atawa bazaar, ntar contohnya pake suit gucci, metot lah gue.
belum nyontoh, udah jiper duluan hahaha.
from various sources, here's my cheat sheet of what might be cool on 2013

loose fitting with a twist
sebenernya, loose cutting agak kurang bersahabat sama orang kuyus,
karnaaa... ya gitu deh, i look like a scarecrow at the end,
makanya dari dulu jarang banget punya baju yang loose cutting.
eh tapi begitu coba, it's not that bad...
kayanya tergantung padanannya juga ya, kalo gue pake loose top,
sama celana karung goni, yaaa, mungkin akan terlihat kaya scarecrow beneran.

menariknya, katanya loose fitting ini akan banyak terlihat di 2013,
personal favorite adalah loose fitting with full skirts.
iii, lucuuu, suka sekaliii. roknya dibuat ankle length, pasti bagus kalo pake hijab!

menyambung si rok full skirt yang fun dan anti gerah karna angin bisa keluar masuk,
peplum is seen at the end of the year, dan kayanya akan lanjut.
i LOVE THIS! it perfectly hides my tinywaist-with-widehip figure,
some ideas for skirts, blouses, and even trousers.
the far left, is so cool, i gotta have it tailored one day huhuk.

or having the flauncy bouncy effect on a very cool outerwear.
*mata menatap layar dengan mupeng*

tailored pants
never been out of style.
again, tailored pants ini gak harus bikin di armani yeaaa rite.
altho kalo bikin di armani pasti jadinya kece bener hahaha.
celananya sih sebenernya aga mincut di pergelangan kaki ya.
i used to hate these kinda of pants, past tense.

tapi beberapa waktu lalu beli celana model semi tailored. again, di cotton ink.
and loving it so much! nyaman ya ternyata hihihi.
dan simpel banget karena celana nya gak ketat,
so i can wear any top i want, gak perlu atasan yang panjang menutup lekuk badan.

black and white
colors are of course fun ya, tapi gak tau kenapa gue selalu kembali ke black and white.
maybe with a hint of popping color, but still, black and white wins over the time.

and some other wearable dos


from fall 2012, hehehe... nggak 2013 dong.
biarin ah, gue suka warna merah oxblood ini, warna darah kebo? per say?
it gives a lift to the level of maturity hahaha, warna serius nih.
my favorite nail polish at the moment being mavala new dehli,
warna nya agak agak mirip ke oxblood ini kalo di kuku gue.
yang lebih mirip lagi, dior. gak mampu belinyahhh *nangis*
yaudah nanti cari yang essie ajah *self-pukpuk*
cuma kalo buat warna lipstik, kok gue agak hawatir terlihat seperti singa abis makan lembu?

karna aku konvensional,
warna yang basically adalah merah marun ini,
cencunya wearable with shades of basic colors,
white, shades of earth tone, or grey and black.
oh, here's some hints.
pale denim
this one, is so 90s. hahaha.
gue gak keberatan sama shades nya, pale denim is kinda cool,
and versatile, like any shades of jeans actually,
pun keren juga dipake sama darker shades of denim.
here's some pictures.

tapi kalo kalo modelnya celana baggy, apa iya ya?
terus nanti kita pada potong rambut ala demi moore lagi?


Anonymous said…
Okey emerald: dicatet, loose fitting : gak ah, ntar dikira buntiang, peplum : dicoret, pinggul udah geday, tailored pants uda Arman, Maroon : dicatet juga, pale denim : masih bingung.
Terimakasih contekan nyah, mayan buat modal biar pas beli kerudung paris gak bingung milihin warnanya.
Riska said…
i love this post! meskipun gak fashionable (hmm, at all :|), but i do love to see fashionable people and fashion magazine hehehe.

i'm with ya on the "aksesoris minimalis" hehe. gue suka beli kalung & gelang tapi ujung-ujungnya yang dipake ya cuma cincin kawin dan jam tangan. berasa ribet aja gitu :S
> loose fitting with a twist: love it. meski gue juga agak cungkring kalau pakai baju longgar-longgar. baju-baju cotton ink masuk kategori ini ga sih?
> peplum: bought one niruin desain dian pelangi, hahah.
> tailored pants: mau liat dong yang dibeli di cotton ink kaya gemanaaaa :D
> BW, oxblood, pale denim: oxblood belum ada koleksinya sama sekali nih. kurang pede pakai warna merah deh eike. sementara untuk pale denim i love.
risti said…
hihihi ternyata bukan cuma gue yang suka kalap di toko kerudung hahaha. you're most welcome, silakan disesuaikan dengan kondisi masing masing.
risti said…
fashionable is a state of mind kok hahaha. yang penting kan nyaman dengan pilihan busana yang kita pakai *sotoyyy abesss*.
- justruuu loose fitting yang cocok sama gue, baru ketemu di cotton ink ini ris! yang lain kaya terlalu longgaria gitu. kurang cucok. tinggi/ berat gue 167/ 45, kurusss kering. pas kok pake cotton ink.
- peplum nya pasti nyontek yang pas dia 17 agustus ya? yang merah? hahaha...
- si cotton ink yang kemaren gue akuisisi itu yang ini, coba di klik http://cottonink-shop.com/index.php?page=product_details&id=894&color=41 nanti klo inget gue posting pas lagi dipake nya yah.
- aaa, kamu kenapa ndak pedeee... coba aja pake merah nya ngintip2 dulu, bros kek, kalung, atau apa gitu, yang ngga terlalu obvious.

sekian ngobrol ngobrol serunya hihihi

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