Day 08

A photo that makes you angry or sad, or angry AND SAD.
would be this.

it is told that this girl has never met her mother,
so she draw a figure of a mother, took off her shoes.
and lie down in the picture as if she's sleeping in her arms.

i'm just too lucky, to have my mom up to this very moment.
ngga kebayang kalo musti keilangan ibu gue,
over something so inevitable, so far beyond my reach, like war.
i dislike war.
so violent, so many sadness, such a shame, such a great loss to the earth,
look at every kids who lost their parents, mau diganti gimana coba tuh?
lagian, even every soldier is another man's father, brother and husband.
so yeah... sedih akuh...

pemirsa yang budiman udah ikut sedih belum?
kalo belum... nih ada petunjuknya.


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