Numpang nampang #13

from gram's party today.
oya, i personally like this picture a lot.
karna jarang difoto berdua erwin

karna erw senyum!!! fyi dia kalo difoto jarang senyum,
jadi mukanya most likely akan angker angker kuburan jumat kliwon kalo difoto.

both of us wearing color coded costume! sarimbit kayak bu RT & pak RT.
hahaha... rarely happen, rarely rarely.

these past years, i've been so lucky having this guy around.
he's been there for me, apalagi kemaren pas aku lagi down.
walopun curhatnya dipotong terus sama mainan angry bird *melotot leily sagita*
makanya seneng banget pas nemu apps untuk bikin teks di foto yang gue suka. 
langsung mencurahkan isi hati, ya mahappp bantji tjurhattt.
terus pajang jadi home screen ayfon hahaha.

shawl sakeena blogstore
udah beberapa kali beli dari blogstore ini,
great fabric, dan gue particularly suka banget sama motif ini,
lagi butuh pale pink, and the hint of blue makes it flexibel for jeans.
obviously this is my newest fave kerudung.
baru kering udah dipake lagi hihihi.

inner ayoka

shirt marigold by cotton ink
by far is the greatest online store i know!
wonderful services and wonderful product,
hari ini panasnya alakazam yes, tapi pake bahan pima ini adem bangettt.
not to mention the perfect cutting, longgar, yet doesn't make me look like scarecrow,
or make me look like mamak mamak berdaster.
terus cutting diagonalnya cukup menutupi bagian bagian yang perlu ditutupi.
asli gak bohong.
Already ordered my second piece in navy.

levi's audrey jeans


Riska said…
aah aku jadi naksir marigoldnyaaa. kemarin liat di goods dept tapi takut cungkring gue pake :S but it looks good you, Ris! btw, scarfnya bagussss.

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