What i stole from my days

i have to admit,
i don't have all the time in the world for you.
i have to say
it must be hard for you, seeing my back while i'm leaving in a rush.

it was never too hard for me as a kid, my mom has always been around,
even whenever she's far, she seems so near for no reason.
but then i remember small things that we did together,
i liked it a lot it comforts me whenever she's away.

eating combro is one.
because whenever she picked me up from ballet lesson,
we always buy this combro, i ate the singkong, she ate the oncom.

i really like the way she manages things for us,
small things we did repeatedly, it becomes a comforting habit.
so when i misses her, i can just go straight finding a combro,
and i'll be fine.

then i have some ideas how i'd want you to remember me,
here's small pieces of stuff i stole from my crazy days, for us.

i quietly kissed your face when i got home so late,
and you're already asleep.
you'll open your eyes while i whisper prayer to your ear,
for a good night sleep, and blessed days.
then i'd say:
tidur yang nyenyak sayang, i'm sorry i missed your bedtime story.
besok kita cerita ya.
and you will nod a little.

how i steal some time from office work,
taking you to the bank so we can talk a while, on our way.
so i can hold your hands while running errands.

how i prepare a bowl of your favorite noodle,
chopping it so it's easier for you to eat.
love your excitement on food!

how you snuggle beside my pillow,
and stare at me while i still asleep.
or how you manage to get into my room, on weekend,
knowing i'd still be asleep as you lay down beside me,
and sometimes you pat my back,
that's the best way to wake up. i love it.

how both of you sing loudly in front of the washing machine,
and giggle all the way.
this, melt my heart, fill my stomach with butterflies.

how we ramble about random things before bed,
when you get to ask "tadi mamah urusan apa?"
and i get to ask "tadi ngga ada yang rebutan lego kan?",
and you were like "enggaaa..."
while i know it's a white lie.

it amazes me how little things in life can be so big at the same time.
and even if i seem to be far and absent from your sight,
i want you to know that i think about you in every breath.

i love you kiddo.

lagi di mall, abis meeting duduk bentar selesaiin tugas,
abis ini jalan ke sekolah. pulang malem banget.

tadi malem masakin cumi mentega untuk anak anak,
mereka seneng banget, enak katanya.
sayang nanti malem ngga akan sempet masak lagi.
sempet nya cuma pas lagi no-school-night.

udah gitu ngga sempet makan siang bareng anak anak, 
karena musti cepet cepet pergi, jadi cuma sempet main sebentar.
arka cuma cerita kalo tadi nonton tintin, sama anjingnya snowy.
kinan cuma sempet suapin gue 2x keripik sebelum gue pergi.

sampe speechless.


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