Random happiness #40

oh wow!!! 40 small notes of happiness hahaha.
this is so much fun than that blog challenge thingy. pffft.
alright let's count my blessing!

weekend was like OH-WHERE-HAVE-YOU-BEEN! to me.
this week has been tough, it was a delightful time when saturday finally came.
there was office, office, and lots of office work,
study groups, thesis panel, paper works, finance thingy,
kids. of course, plates of fresh salad i recently addicted to,
and there was this confusing discussion on friday, about bandung trip.
so confusing it ended up upsetting for me.
i don't think i have the luxury to disccuss such minor things,
ditengah 2 meeting & diskusi dosen yang masih bererot di jadwal gue.

it's only a week away from my birthday, jadi vow to be wiser masih kental.
hahaha... when unpleasant thing comes, i just stood there,
gather my logic and think clearly. and i ended up feeling happier about it.
this week i learn, that the most important thing is to calm yourself,
to let go expectations, calm yourself again, think about happy thought...
and to think more about how is it to be in someone else's shoes.
it actually helps a little.

this weekend, i sent the kids out of town with my mom,
pada mau naik kuda di lembang katanya, but i've got school stuff to do.
another kiddo's moment i have to miss, thanks very much.
nangis dalam hati... sedih cyin. tapi harus tetep semangat,
mudah mudahan cuma sampe mei aja sedih nya. 
mei lulus. AMINNN!

on saturday, me & erw went to the gym, where i did my first 5k hahaha.
norakkk norak norak norak. gapapalah, norak norak bahagiya...
i kinda asked myself how did i do it!!!
mengingat dari kemarin selalu ngga PD kalo mau hajar 5k.
i think it was because of what i consume.
so lately, i paid more attention to what i had for breakfast and lunch,
pagi pagi biasanya bawa salad sekotak, telur rebus, sama pisang buat ngemil.
siangnya, gue usahain makan ngga gorengan.
jadi either soto, atau gado gado, atau tongseng, gitu gitu lah.
ngga gorengan tapi tetep aja makanan berkolesterol hihihi.
malem kalo makan dirumah, baru gue makan goreng gorengan, sama tumis tentunya.
there was some junk food tho. gue si gak ngoyo soal ginian hahaha.
kalo lagi pingin burger, yowis, lahap ajah.
the so-called-diet works like magic ternyata.
badan gue berasa lebih kuat, lebih seger walopun tidur tetep kurang.

after the happy gym session, we booked our flight for november, CANT WAIIIT!
dilanjut jalan jalan tak bermakna, mborong roti, langsung dilahappp tanpa ampun.
hahaha... i deserve something sweet after a rough week don't i?
so these babies, my comfort food, were literally gone in 60 seconds.

langsung lanjut ke rumah iparkuuu, ngobrol santai, kita mborong buah,
terus pulanggg... nonton tv.
granny kinda weekend, i know. tapi menyenangkan sekali...
apalagi kita home alone, asisten inval udah abis argo nya, jadi kita pulangin.
abis nganterin, sempet nangis liat dompettt *kunyah atm*
me & erw are busy in the kitchen, just like the old time, child-less.
hepi nya cuma lasting for the first hour, at the end tetep aja... berasa sepi yah hahaha.

sunday morning erw is off to bandung, driving his parents home,
i watched the cougar town season 4. PENNY CAAAN!!!
love that weird show.
abis itu kumpul niat untukkk... joging jam 8 hahaha, fanass cyinnn.
and here i am, selesaiin kertas kerja untuk tesis,
study group at 3 pm, and dinner with my in law at 7.

everything this week has been amazing race-alike for me lately, beneran.
such a long list to fill in, so many things to do, so little time.
kalo gue abis nyampah di path, terus list down about what i did that day,
kayanya pingin semaputtt bacanya... gilak banyak bangettt.
one day i was:
anterin erw
anterin anak sekolah
kena macet
jemput anak anak
ketemuan bu guru
ke salon anterin kinan potong rambut
ke gramedia beli mock up untuk projek
kerja lagi
beli diapers ke giant
ke pim makan sushi
berantem sama arka
ketiduran di mobil sama kinan

*ngos ngosan ngetiknya*
that particular day don't even have school-related thingy on it.
kalo mau dipikirin sih, pengennya berenti ajadehhh, udahannn...
ongkang ongkang kaki ajadehhh, capek!!!
but hey...
winners never quit, and quitters never win. TSAHHH!!!
so no matter how hard life treating you,
there's always sunday, that is sunny and gonna make you happy.
if you're not happy yet today, try some sport, you'll be better afterwards.
have a good weekend love!


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