Bengkulu trip

love it when work takes me to place, this time is bengkulu,
photo shooting for on client's plantation.
gue sih belum pernah ke bengkulu... nginjek pulau sumatra juga baru sekali.
waktu itu business trip juga, ke lampung.
ended up unwell. as i was physically unwell... sakit cyin! hahaha.
malu maluin banget. yet the client was a wonderful wonderful person,
he took a really good care of me, sampe pas pulang gue didorong pake kursiroda ama dia.
oh embarrassing moments.
i promised myself, that thing, will never happen again.
gue harus makan yang bener, istirahat yang bener, take a good care of myself.

i carefully chose what i packed, karena tau bakal outdoor-an seharian,
banyak jalan, naik turun bukit etcetera... i packed my sneakers.
beserta kemeja kemeja katun & kaos, gak lupa bawa peeling buat muka hahaha.
penting bow.

so we arrived on sunday, sebagai pekerja hore hore,
pastinjaaa, aku foto dulu dong begitu landing hahaha.
fanas ya cyin ternyata *pake kacamata item-luluran sunblock*

langsung cek lapangan, survey.
berahir di ketinggian 20 meter above the ground, diatas tangki tampung CPO.
pas tim pada naik ke atas tangki, gue asik asik aja... ikut naik tangga puter keatas.
pingin liat, gimana sih viewnya dari atas.
tapi di tengah jalan, perasaan gue mulai ga enak. GILAK TINGGI BANGETTT!!!
mamaaahhh... toyooong...
mau turun, tapi jauh juga, dan dibawah ngga ada siapa-siapa,
mau terusin naik, tapi kok tangganya rada goyang goyang.
pas gue sampe diatas... huwowww... fantastisss.
yak, foto dulu. hahaha.

terus baru nyadar kalau lantai yang gue injek tu miring, terus licin karena itu minyak,
dan pengamannya cuma pager batasan kuning doang. horehhh...
kalo sampe jatoh, yasalammm *keringetan*
untuk gak semaputtt diatas. abis foto, turun lagi doyong-doyong, sampe darat.
then i spot the day's sunset. lovely.

the next morning was photo shoot day 1.
bangun jam 4 pagi,  jam 5 cabcusss ke kebun.
i couldn't believe the heat! so intense, man. aslideh.
so while the men were at work, this woman stayed in the shade ehehehe...
but the sky was lovely that day, so the work went well. liat deh, no filter loh itu.
birunya natural. huwowww
sebagai pekerja yang berdedikasi tinggi, cencunya gue gak terus terusan ngadem dong.
job desc gue kan melancarkan sesi foto ini, so look!
here's me, under the naked sun. kerudung berantakan, nyurenggg kepanasan.
tapi hepi kok. hahaha...

this was actually the hardest day, karena bangun pagi banget, being outdoor half the day,
pun abis lunch break gue dirundung banyak banget kerjaan,
i had to sit down with my laptop, and finished the work. ampunnn deh.

but the seafood dinner paid off, so overall, it was a good day.

day 2 of the session started early lagi. the session wasn't as exhaustive as the day before.
and guess what we get to do after hour?
we went to the beach! ouyeaaa... i love the beach!
there was the sunset, and the cozy bengkulu people hangin out at the beach.
ih enak banget yaaa, kalo pulang kantor gak macet, terus bisa duduk duduk dulu,
minum kelapa, di pinggir pantai kaya mereka,
happy people always make me happy.

day 3 was a half day session, selesai jam 11 an, terus kita pada check out deh.
went to lunch, and wrappin up the shooting at the beach. the off to jakarta.
such a short trip, tapi padat acara... dan padat oleh oleh hahaha.
my generous client gave me setoples (yes, toples!!!) kepiting lada hitam,
sama sekardus gede pempek. ondeeemandeee, asiknyooohhh!!!

and wrapping up this post, here's some bengkulu's finest to do list:
makan di lauren. kepiting lada hitam! hail.
tips untuk makan seafood, jangan banyak banyak nasinya,
nasi mah banyak dirumah, tapi kaki kepiting segede centong nasi,
gak ada dirumah hahaha.

makan di pondok bumbu ala jhon motor. IKAN BAWAL BAKAR KECAP.
cumi bakar, not so good. ikan bakar bumbu something yang agak bersantan juga biasa aja.

makan di panorama, cumi goreng tepungnya impressive. so impressive.
ayam goreng mentega surprisingly different, dan enakkk!!!

makan di marola, everything is fresh and delish!!! gokil.
mana tempatnya dipinggir pantai, abis makan kenyang banget,
duduk duduk bego, angin semilir. sambil minum es kelapa. hadoohhh...

hangin out at benteng marlborough.
although pas masuk sini, perasaan gue rada ga enak,
you know, like there's something weird, memaksa gue ngeliat ke suatu arah.
i did tell my partner about this, but i went on inside and hung out.
ternyata bener dong, kata orang sana yang nemenin kita, disitu dulu penjara.
dan pas tempat ini masuk acara dunia lain, ada sesuatu. hanjerrr...
*ngetik sambil keringetan*

pempek saskia.
i brought this home, my kids love it!!!
pempeknya seger banget, bumbunya a bit too spicy, but great.

pantai panjang.
of course, because i love the ocean so much, i had to dip my feet in the sand.
it's really relaxing, do try!

so it was great, until next time bengkulu!


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