Fit fit kejefit

ah yes, the famous hari kejepit, senen pulak.
i can't skip school as my team is presenting on management strategic subject.
udah gitu hari senin itu kok puwanasss banget, plus PMS,
oh hofff...
i worked a little bit, and getting the presentation done most of the time, hehehe...
pulang sekolah, arka agak agak lemes, terus ngeluh ke gue: mamah, arka sakit.
hiks, kasian anakku. once i made sure he gets plenty of water and rest,
and erw is on his way, the show must go on.
presentation went well, walopun tetep kecele sama pak dosen woakakakak...

and there were libur kejefit!!! yeayyy.
waking up late at 7 is my favorite part of the day,
walopun dari jam 5 udah digabrugin kinan, rambut gue ditarik tarik,
arka keluar masuk kamar oh the perks of having toddlers around.

we had tuna fusilli for breakfast, and orange juice,
anak anak of course recokkk, minta ini itu ini itu, padahal perutnya udah kenyang.
hahaha, tapi gakpapa... me and erw are happy having them joining us on the table.
at 9, siap siap pergi, erw mau ke pasific place upgrading his phone.
we talked to arka that he's unwell and should stay at home instead. reaksinya?
seperti yang sudah diduga, marah... "AKA MAU IKUT!" katanya.
tapikan gue punya contingency plan dong dong dong. i told him kinan is having a haircut.
he had his a couple of weeks ago, and magically, he accepted the term. hihihi...

so off we go, the three of us. emang sih, agak aneh cuma bertiga.
but i do think we should spend more time with one kid each, so off we go.
tujuan pertama pacific place, taunya samsung gemblung, tutuf cyin. hadehhh.
terus muter muter di mall yang sepi itu lalala... mati gaya.
eh udah jam 11, yaudah deh cari makan aja. tapi males ah makan di mall,
padahal rada bokek, males makan yang overpriced hahaha.

i only have a few ideas, seperti bebek suryo & mandala. ih masa lalu banget.
maka gue lontarkan pertanyaan tentang tempat makan yang heits sekitaran senopati di path,
karna gue tau teman teman gue yang manis ini sering banget kulineran gaul masa kini.
for my future reference, here they are:

1. bebek goreng suryo
2. commune (seberang resto jepang Sekai)
3. mojo (bukanya jam 6 sore) tempatnya kaca kaca lucu gituuu, pas ada segitigam ambil kanan.
4. yeyo
5. appetite
6. han gang
7. born ga
8. mandala of course
9. pho 24
10. koko bogana
11. kwetiau a ciap
12. ayam tulang lunak hayam wuruk
13. loobie lobster
14. sharkfin
15. bakso blok s
16. Q-smokehouse
17. padang sari indah
18. kambing cairo
19. tukuaz
20. coffee cabin
21. minilovebites didepan loobie
22. bakmi boy
23. putri. asli ini enak banget masakan endonesa gitu...

nah berhubung path-an sambil ngurusin si poni, ahirnya gak ke-notice.
dan kita menepi di... sinou steik. biasa ajah.
my medium-well steak was emmm... well. not medium-well.
kin's chicken steak had sinou sauce, itu enak. creamy gitu.

abis makan kita muter lagi seputeran senopati, karena gue spotted ada kios minilovebites!
okekkk, menepi, gue turun. eh... kok banyak mamang mamang ya?
tanya satipam: pak, ini udah buka?
dia jawab: belom mbaaa... ini masih dibangun kiosnya.
krikkk... balik lagi ke mobil, nyengir. dududu.
soon, risti. soon!!!

so, definitely will come back to this area, which was so familiar to me a couple of years ago.
look what marriage has taken from me dududu.
the good thing is, erw doesn't mind the traffic on weekend.
keluar tol di cilandak, kita lurus ke antasari, naik jembatan, turun jembatan, belok kiri, sampe deh!
so, not bad. not bad at all...

so tuesday night, reality bites in again.
dinner at home, then off we go to... ngerjain tugas lalala.
hope you had nice kejefit holiday!


Itu semua list nya bikin lapeerrr.. Teganaaaahhh Ristiii.. Kirim ke Bostoooon!!! :lol:
nti said…
Ketovrak Ciragil dooong. Biasanya mesen 1.5 dan telornya didadar.
risti said…
happp!!! tangkeppp ngiii!!!
risti said…
ohiyaaa... lufa ketovrakkk dan somay. yang 1 porsinya tiada pernah nampol di perut gua hahaha

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