we got a new kid on the block y'all

sepeninggal adik gue, rumah nyokap berasa sepiii.
makanya nyokap bokap sering diluar kota kalo weekedays,
ehtapi jangan sediiih, ada gantinya nih.

si pep, my baby cousin decided to stay at mom's house during his college years.
ahoyyy, rame lagi dehhh rumahnya.
i practically watched him growing up, 
dulu jaman dia masi 10 bulan, gue inget banget his mom made me babysit this guy,
while everyone was packing for the annual mudik trip.
bentuknya kaya moci gitu pas bayi hahaha... putih putih gemuk,
dan berattt... abis dititipin gitu tangan gue berasa pegel.

when you watch someone growing up, knowing what they did their entire life, 
he's practically more than a cousin, a brother to me,
makanya bangga setengah mati dia diterima di PTN *peyuuuk*.
kehadian si pep dirumah nyokap disertai janji manis: ntar arka gue anterin deh.
HOHAHAHAHHAHA... saya hepi.
makanya kemarin voucher janjinya segera dimanfaatkan, gue minta anterin ke kampus.

now this guy, rides the most legendary car in the family.
a teal volkswagen that was handed down by my grandad.
pas kemarin naik mobil ini... howowww, lucu banget rasanya.
i remember when i was little, kesusahan buka jendela segitiganya,
i remember one morning, pep's mom drove me to school in that car,
we were strolling simatupang which was a lot smaller than it is today. 
i was so proud of my pramuka uniform,
it was my first week, of my first year of elementary school hihihi...
terus in my teen years, gue gak pernah berani nyobain mobil ini untuk latihan nyetir.

and today, here we are, 
mau ke kampus dianterin bang ganteng sok pake cengdem di jam 5,30 sore,
abis itu ngomong: gelap ya pake kacamata.

in one of those random chatting moment, my sister then asked,
her: itu si pep tidur dimana
gue: di kamar lo.
her: di tempat tidur gue?
gue: iya... omaygattt... EWH!!! ewh ewh ewh ewh ewh. itu kan ranjang pengantin.


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