geek-ishly hot

i have a confession to make,
i have a thing for geeks.
defined generally as an unfashionable or socially inept person, 
OR a person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest.
most of the time, the interest is so particular that it goes opposite the mainstreams. 
what i love most about the this kind of person: modesty.

inget banget pembicaraan gue sama seorang junior kampus.
i'd say he's a geek. his particular interest was religion & politic talks.
di mata gue, si orang ini mah pinter bener, agama nya lurus.
waktu ada acara kampus dimana diwajibkan untuk bantu bantu, 
kita mulai ngobrol, awalnya cuma cupu cupu. 
knowing his interest on religion,
gue sungguh sangat menghindar dari topik itu.
takut ketauan jarang solat hahaha...
but however, got carried away sampe titik bahas marx dan candu agama.
i can't even believe i used to be very fluent on this kind of topic. not it's all gone.
and there we were, kebelit percakapan seru, udah kayak main anggar, 
saling tusuk, saling ngelak. not in a bad way ya... cuma saling challenge sudut pandang aja. 

and at the end of the conversation, i remember this:
dia bilang: gue gak nyangka lo bisa diajak ngobrol tentang ginian.
gue: karena ngga banyak orang pinter kaya elo, yang mau ngajak ngobrol orang kaya gue hahaha...
dia: ah gue belum apa apa. gak ada apa apanya lah, jalan masih panjang.
gue: ya tapikan lo udah lurus gitu, jalannya. dunia akherat kayanya udah aman.
dia: hahaha... ya amin kalo emang gitu. masalahnya engga juga.
Allah yang tentuin, gue cuma bisa usaha, ikhtiar.
terus dia nyebut beberapa termin dalam bahasa arab mengenai hal ini.
which i obviously did not understand. 

ohemji ini orang, rendah hati amaaattt...
di mata gue waktu itu, idup dia tu udah lurus bener ya... 
agama beres, sekolah beres, apalagi cobak?
tapi dia bilang dengan entengnya, ya gak gitu juga. tetep Allah yang nentuin. 
gedubrak... abis itu gue agak rajin solat.
i learned 1 thing that day: emang orang kalo beneran pinter, ngga akan songong ya.
dia tau betul, semua achievement dia hari ini belum ada apa apanya.
dan dia tu ngomong gitu tanpa ada nada sombong atau apapun.
i'd have known it if he did and i'd leave before the third sentences.

darisitu gue tau, i love hanging out with geeks!
well, some of them are actually dresse fashionably, and some of them are socially fluid.
they're the the more adaptable geeks.
the others, are of course equally brilliant, but they're... different. 
mmmh, gitudeh. gak tega ngomongnya.
and don't get me wrong. bukannya ngga ganteng ya...
ganteng is in the eye of the beholder. jiyehhh...
they're just... mmmh, ya gitudeh. 
mudah mudahan gambar menunjukkan maksud gua.

gak tau kenapa, dalam pertaksiran, 
borrowing istilah anggi sebagai Before the husband era.
and in this case: Before Erwin Era - BEE
rata rata tu gue mengincar orang yang model geek gini.
entah kenapa juga, mereka mereka yang gue taksir kok selalu punya this particular interest.
something that he's really good at.
entah ke otomotif atau ke pekerjaan, ke bisnis, gadget, musik.
whatever that is, they're really into it. and i think IT IS HOT!

i guess what i like the most about it was,
the flooding knowledge from our conversation.
menurut gue, that's a quality point for a husband material.
asik banget menghabiskan waktu berjam jam dengan orang kaya ini,
digging out what his mind made of, the way he thinks,
throwing out a topic yang taunya bisa melar melebar kaya sungai amazon.
sampe ada suatu hari gue keblinger sendiri,
merasa tertarik sama seseorang hanya karena muatan ilmu di kepalanya,
ngga sadar kalo ada prinsip prinsip beliao yang bertentangan sama prinsip gue.
ngaco yaaa... hihihi... ya maap namanya juga gue mencari jati diri.
iya dimaklumin, kan lagi BEE.

Meeting erw at the first time was at the day my grandad was buried.
At that instant, sejujurnya gue tertarik secara fisik.
He was tall and thin, yang sekarang sebagai suami cuma nyisa tall nya aja,
The face was ya... mediocre lah. dari jauh sih mirip fedy nuril.
Dari jauhhh i mean earth to neptunus and back ya, peace beb.
that night, his t shirt, his jeans, his converse, everything falls perfectly to my eyes.
saat itu his geeky-ness was so awesome.

The other attraction was of course where we went to college.
Gak tau kenapa, gue ingin sekali mengikuti jejak ibu gue,
diajak nikah sama anak itb hahahahha... cetekkk.
i only hope i'll be married to someone who is smarter than me.
that's pretty easy i guess, mengingat i'm not THAT smart.
supaya kelak kalo anak gue nanya sesuatu dan gue gak bisa jawab,
gue bisa melempar jawaban macem cerdas cermat,
dengan bilang: tanya papa, nak. cetekkk cetek... hahaha
and lastly, i'm hoping that he's as smart as my dad.
gitu ajasih intinya. tetep cetek...

nah si erwin ini ternyata dari jurusan matematik.
dan kerja di lab komputer itb sebagai admin atau something like that.
my oh my... math graduate and working as at the computer lab.
i thought it should be interesting as i didn't know much about math.
and tend to despise it.
gue pengen tau, sebenernya ada gaksih yang menarik dari matematik?
selain menarik otot jantung - trauma disuruh maju ke papan sama guru matematik.

terus gimana rasanya nikah sama a presumably math geek?
well after 4 years, it's confirmed that he LOVES math.
so much, he made me read those thick math books during pregnancy,
and insist of teaching numbers to the 1 month old arka.
other than that, yes i get to know more about the knowledge. 
turns out, everything in this life is math-able.
it's turns out to be an awesome knowledge.
meskipun gue tetep geli kalo disuruh ngitung statistik,
dan tetep gak pernah mencet tombol bersimbol aneh di kalkulator.
but his logic which i think inherited from years of hanging out with math,
saves my twisted mind repeatedly.

in conclusion, 
this post explains a lot why my favorite scene of iron man 2,
is when tony re-modified his house, made a reactor.
eye-gasm scene loaded with cool-ness.
and that my favorite scene of the amazing spiderman,
was when that andrew garfHOT got electric shock when inventing the spider web thingy.

kalo jaman dulu kan geeks tu sifatnya figuran ya.
tapi kalo jaman sekarang, geeky-ness ini mulai ditampilkan dalam secara berbeda, 
the hotter way, i must say.
karena again, bukannya mereka gak ganteng ya, 
biasanya sih cuma salah dandan aja... which is SO fixable.
daripada yang korslet adalah kapasitas otaknya gitu?

and obviously in the media, the compass are moving from that loser geek that always got bullied by the jocks,
into the very smart man who eventually becomes the one everybody loves.
everybody including me.
catatan: tadi abis nonton serial sherlock sambil mangap *lap iler*


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